Experience Time-Looping Tactics & Cerebral Combat With Lemnis Gate – Out Now On PC & Console

Frontier Foundry and Ratloop Games Canada celebrate today the release of revolutionary turn-based strategy shooter, Lemnis Gate. Out now on PC, PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation®4 and Xbox One, Lemnis Gate is a must-play title for those looking for an innovative, challenging, and completely fresh take on the strategy FPS experience.

Players across PC and consoles can purchase Lemnis Gate on their digital storefront of choice from today for a suggested retail price of £15.49/$19.99/€16.79. In addition, Xbox Game Pass subscribers can now download and play Lemnis Gate as part of their subscription, both on Xbox and PC.

Breathing new life into the strategy shooter genre, Lemnis Gate challenges players to think laterally as they take control of one of seven uniquely skilled Operatives per round. Each Operative brings their own unique abilities, powerful enough to change the course of battle and help ensure masterful planning and skilful execution win the day. Mastering these abilities is key to players securing the ultimate goal: victory.

The rules are simple: players pick an Operative and make their move. This might be killing an enemy, protecting a teammate, or destroying an objective. The catch is that each match takes place within a 25 second time loop, so with each progressive round players will have to keep one step ahead of not only their own moves, past and present, but also those of their opponent as they battle to outsmart the opposition over five mind-bending rounds.

Players will also have the option to customise their Operatives by unlocking an amazing array of cosmetic rewards through the progression system. From weapon skins and Operative Suits to emblems and emotes, there are ample ways to create a distinct look and feel for each Operative.

Lemnis Gate’s innovative concept can be experienced in a variety of different ways, including four action-packed modes, including Seek and Destroy, Domination, Retrieve XM and Deathmatch, all spread across twelve incredibly immersive maps.

There’s also a multitude of ways to play, both online and offline. Players can enter the time loop separately with turn-based rules, or enter together and battle simultaneously within the same turn in both 1v1 and 2v2 games. For local gameplay, there’s also a “pass-the-controller” option allowing players to strategise alongside each other in person.

For those with a competitive streak, ranked play pits players against well-matched opponents, allowing them to rise up the ranks and claim a spot on the leaderboard for ultimate bragging rights. Unranked matches offer players a chance to, hone their tactical thinking and mastery of the game in friendly matches.

Get a tactical advantage with these 14 tips for mastering Lemnis Gate

Lemnis Gate is a new breed of combat strategy shooter where only the smartest survive. Turn-based, tactical, and set entirely within a 25-second time loop, the stakes are high and there’s plenty to ponder. So before you jump in take a look at these 14 essential tips and tricks that’ll help you gain an edge on the battlefield and have you outsmarting the competition in no time.

  • Anticipation shots: Anticipate your enemy’s moves by covering points of interest with bullets, traps, or shields. This will prevent them from countering your plans.
  • Temporal strategies: Combine the actions of your past, present, and future Operatives. Not everything has to be solved in a single turn.
  • Spectate the loop: In between turns, fly your drone around the map to see the current state of the time loop. Use this opportunity to plan your next move.
  • Ghost Mode: Died mid-turn? No problem, you can finish your turn as a ghost. Your ghost actions will become real if that Operative is saved in a later turn.
  • Break the butterfly effect: Losing control of the battlefield? Turn the match in your favour by finding the culprit and erasing their cascade of deadly events from the loop.
  • When and where: Remember, it’s not just about an Operative’s position in space, but WHEN they are in time. Plan accordingly.
  • Friendly Fire: Friendly fire is always on. Be wary of running into your own gunfire, even from past turns. You don’t want to take yourself out.
  • Operative selection: There’s always the perfect person (or robot) for the job. There’s no room for favourites in Lemnis Gate, selecting the right Operative is the key to a successful strategy.
  • Action/Reaction: Going first? Go ahead and set the tone for the match. Going last? Seize control by stopping every move your opponent made before you.
  • The UI is your friend: Use strategy markers or check the objective timeline on-screen to help you create and execute the perfect strategy.
  • Always have a Plan B: Missed a key shot? Don’t panic. You can fix mistakes in future rounds. Maybe this accident can lead you to a brand new master plan.
  • Combat Focus: Focusing exclusively on one objective or enemy Operative can be easy to counter. Diversify and spread your team out to cover as much ground as possible.
  • Keep Moving: A stationary target is an easy target for a future bullet. Make your movements unpredictable to throw off your opponent
  • Shields for days: If you do decide to stay still, make sure to shield yourself in the next turn by deploying a defensively minded Operative such as KARL.

Lemnis Gate is out now on PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation®4 and Xbox One as well as Xbox Game Pass. To stay in the loop, be sure to visit the website or join the Lemnis Gate Discord and follow @LemnisGateGame on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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Written by: MKAU Gaming


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