In general, I’m the type of person that needs instant gratification. I don’t have time to muck around, I’m a busy person, so games that require a lot of back tracking, or repeat play don’t necessarily hold my attention or interest very long. However, I found ‘Enter the Gungeon’ by Dodge Roll much more stimulating visually and gameplay wise than I thought I would, that I often kept coming back for more of this little indie game. It had me captivated from the moment I heard that entrancing theme song in the loading screen.
‘Enter the Gungeon’ by no means is a new game, release in 2016 on most platforms, but now finally ported over to the Nintendo Switch. We had the pleasure of playing it on XBOX ONE, so follow the link below for a comprehensive review of the gameplay and story.
In a nutshell, Enter The Gungeon is a top down shooter, that’s a firestorm of colour and sounds as you trawl room after randomised room, spraying enemies and bosses with a range of weapons and tactics. This game requires strategy, pattern memorisation and premeditated use of cover, in no means is this game easy and its looks are very deceiving. Think of it as very ‘Binding of Isaac’ like, once you die, that’s it back to the start, learn from your mistakes, and do it all over again from the start, maybe 1,2,3…. Or more in my case, times.
My only problem with this format is that it is at times, too hard. Not hard in the gameplay aspect, more so in the long-term play run. Yes, I said I kept coming back to it, but not for long stints of gameplay, like you could in say an RPG. The permadeath at times is just too overwhelming. It gave me no motivation to stay on for more than a few minutes at a time. Like Jayden said in his review, it’s has very repetitive gameplay, with very little objective motivation. It’s more just think strategy and shoot em up.
It looks and plays beautifully on the big screen or in hand held, but true to most ported over games, it just feels more right with a pro controller. The controller is especially effective in this game as you’re required to use both sticks, one for moving and the other for aiming your gun, which at times can be quite hard. True to the big selling point of the Switch, you can use the Joy Cons in motion control. And once again, it just doesn’t feel right to use them to shoot and dodge with arms frailing around if the Switch is docked, which can be an even bigger muck around in local co-op play. It just feels so much better to have the game or a controller in hand and you relax in a chair.
The 16-bit style looks brilliant on this console, the colours just pop and compliment the style. Even the music is an unique mix of retro with a modern twist, really making a lasting impression of what the Nintendo Switch is capable of doing visually.
Overall, Enter the Gungeon has stacks of replay value, however the permadeath and repetitive gameplay will definitely turn off some audiences. I found it a fun as hell, hard as hell, pretty as hell experience and often found myself picking it up dying, then picking it up again later and trying again with just as much enthusiasm. It is definitely one Indie game you need in your Nintendo Switch collection.

The Good
- Enter the Gungeon has stacks of replay value
The Bad
- Repetitive gameplay will definitely turn off some audiences