Fate/Samurai Remnant

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Fate/Samurai Remnant DLC Vol.2 – Record’s Fragment: Yagyu Sword Chronicles (PC) – Review

Fate/Samurai Remnant DLC Vol.2, Record’s Fragment: Yagyu Sword Chronicles, from Koei Tecmo and Omega Force, is now available, further expanding on the story from Fate/Samurai Remnant, which you can read about here.

Unlike Fate/Samurai Remnant – DLC Vol.1 “Record’s Fragment: Keian Command Championship, which you can read about here, players will have to have finished Chapter 3 in the main story to take part in this DLC.

Once the quest marker appears in the world of Edo, Miyamoto Iori and Saber are sent to investigate reports of Tsujigiri, the Japanese term that literally translates to Crossroad Killings, but it’s more commonly used to describe a Samurai testing out a new blade or style on innocent people.

As the pair search for clues, they come across a skilled swordsman, and after a brief encounter and the mysterious swordsman hearing the name Iori, the swordsman puts his blade away, apologises, and introduces himself as Yagyu Munenori.

Realising that Yagyu is far too skilled with the blade to be the Tsujigiri, Iori asks for support, and Yagyu is happy to accept. As this story unfolds, you will encounter other characters from the main story arc, such as Miyamoto, confronting Iori and Yagyu about their previous history.

With Yagyu as a mentor, players will be able to learn new skills as they play through the journey, earning new mountings for the sword’s hilt and sheath to buff attacks, gain additional points, and also change the appearance of the sword’s overall design. While we don’t get to experience a new area, does give us a lot of amazing battles, letting us test out our new skills, as well as play with the new powerhouse character, Yagyu. I enjoyed this character a lot, from his design to his fighting style, and the artist who created Yagyu, along with the other cast members, has again done a great job.

Fate/Samurai Remnant DLC Vol.2 Record’s Fragment: Yagyu Sword Chronicles is a great addition to the series, and while it did feel a bit short, being able to free-roam and explore your surroundings can make it feel bigger than it is. If you have played the core story of Fate/Samurai Remant, Record’s Fragment: Yagyu Sword Chronicles is a must-play expansion, expanding Iori’s fighting style and offering all-new lore.

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The Good

  • New skills to learn
  • Expands on the existing story
  • Beautifully crafted characters

The Bad

  • The story doesn’t take long to complete

Written by: Shane Walsh



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