All Reviews

Weird West – Hands-On Preview

Back in August, I was treated to a hands-off event held by WolfEye Studios for their upcoming game, Weird West. Based on what I saw that day, I have never been more excited for a twin-stick shooter in my life. They promised a lot of different things, many of which

The Case Of The Golden Idol – Preview

The Case of the Golden Idol is an in-development detective game that sees the player piece together the clues behind a series of puzzling deaths spanning across the 18th century, all influenced by the titular Golden Idol as it insidiously passes from hand to hand. The demo of the game

Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One – Preview

Thanks to the team over at Frogwares, we have a new Sherlock Holmes experience that delivers a fantastic and in-depth detective experience. The game starts off with a young Sherlock and his assistant Jon, who is not to be mistaken as John Watson. Yes, there is another assistant before Watson

Toy Soldiers: HD – Preview

Commander! We need fire support! The enemies are storming our trenches and breaking through our front line! Commander, our toybox is taking damage! SAVE US!!!! Protect your own toybox and destroy your opponents, in single-player campaigns, online or split-screen multiplayer, in a remastered classic that first appeared on Xbox Live

Fallout Worlds – Preview

When Fallout 4 gained mod support on the Xbox, I created all manner of weird and wonderful contraptions. I went to town modding weapons and armour, went crazy building my settlements, and in all, had a wonderful time walking through the game obliterating anything I pointed my explosive-round, double two-shot

Weird West – Preview

As anyone who has been reading my reviews would know, I am a huge fan of role-playing games, particularly ones that involve a large open world to explore. Being able to tune your character to your own playstyle, while venturing forth and doing your own thing, while exploring every little

King’s Bounty II – Preview

Ever wondered what a Witcher game mashed up with Dungeons & Dragons strategic battles would be like? Love D&D but want to explore the world around you in a third-person perspective? Well, King’s Bounty 2 is the perfect mash-up between third-person exploration RPG and tabletop RPG battles, Developed by 1C

Death’s Door – Preview

The absolute squeal I made when I spawned into the game as a tiny adorable crow has already sold me on the entire theme of this game. Developed by Acid Nerve and published by Devolver Digital, ‘Death’s Door’ is a game about reaping the souls of the world to fuel

Operation: Tango – Preview

When it comes to the game Operation Tango, the saying “It takes two to tango” is the best way to describe the game’s entire concept. Developed and Published by Clever Plays, this clever cooperative spy adventure, with its colourful game pallet, brings co-op to a whole new level. When communication

Siege Survival: Gloria Victis – Preview

As a game focused wholly on its story, Siege Survival: Gloria Victis is very invested in its character development and accuracy in its time and theme. Blackeye Games and FishTankStudio have successfully ventured out and created a game that is very entertaining with its strategical and over-thinking genre allowing you

Outriders (DEMO) – Preview

Outriders is the newest game by Square Enix and People Can Fly. It is a three-player RPG that supports crossplay, and it takes place in a future where the Earth is no longer a viable planet to live on thanks to constant war and climate change. The human race makes

Loop Hero – Preview

The world is put into a perilous situation and we have one amnesiac soldier, as our saviour, having to fight against the Dark Liche who has destroyed time and life as we know it! Loop Hero is a dark, fantasy, strategy RPG game developed by Four Quarters and to me,

Olija – Preview

From Publishers Devolver Digital, Developers Skeleton Crew Studio and Thomas Olsson comes a game that, as the saying goes, only comes once in a blue moon. Going into 2021 on a great note, this game proves that you don’t need over-the-top high-tier graphics to bring a compelling and interesting world

King of Seas – Preview

King of Seas’ is a charming little look into an up and coming cross-platform game developed by 3D clouds. The game so far is simply a preview, but from what’s on display, it has remarkable presentation and polish. I’ve barely started and already I have high hopes for this game.

Enlisted – Preview

Many years ago, when I first bought my Xbox 360, one of the main games I was keen on was Battlefield 4. I thoroughly enjoyed the Conquest mode but didn’t bother playing Team Death Matches. Once I got the Xbox One, I was eventually talked into buying Black Ops 4

Twin Mirror – Preview

‘Twin Mirror’ is a story-based adventure game that is yet to be released, developed by Dontnod Entertainment and co-produced by Shibuya Productions. For a genre, I have never really come across I was very confused starting this game. I had no idea what I was doing when the game loaded

There Is No Light – Preview

‘There Is No Light’ is a brand-new RPG, indie game title, developed by indie studio, Zelart, and published by Hype Train Digital, complemented by retro pixelated graphics. GAMEPLAY From what I could gather thus far from this preview, There Is No Light’s story mode consists of an entity known as

Marvel’s Avengers (BETA) – Preview

This past weekend, I was lucky enough to be a part of a select few people to have a crack at the new Marvel’s Avengers game. Marvel’s Avengers is developed by Crystal Dynamics and Eidos-Montreal and published by Square Enix. Marvel’s Avengers is an action/adventure game that gives you control

Blightbound (Closed BETA) – Preview

Blightbound is a multiplayer, dungeon crawler brought to you by the ever infamous, Devolver Digital, and developers, Ronimo Games, creators of popular titles such as ‘Awesomenauts’ and ‘Swords and Soldiers’ and recently just finished it’s closed beta. This creative studio now brings us a unique dungeon crawler experience that really

Monster Crown (Early Access) – Preview

Monster Crown is a Steam game currently in its Beta stage, developed by Studio Aurum and published by SOEDESCO, this indie game is in essence Pokémon, with a little more mature audience in mind. Monster Crown as previously stated is just like Pokémon, you play as a young adult, building


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